9 June, 2015
The Council for the Judiciary supported planned amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which envisage to provide regulation in the law, so that it would further be possible to…
9 June, 2015
The Council for the Judiciary supported new policy initiatives for courts 2014-2016, prepared by the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice summarised…
9 June, 2015
The Council for the Judiciary supplemented previously adopted Guidelines on transfer of the case received for proceedings to another court for faster review of the case, envisaging…
9 June, 2015
The Council for the Judiciary supported re-appointment of Andris Strauts to the office of the Chair of Latgale regional court for five years. Andris Strauts has worked as a judge for…
This year, the main subject of the General Assembly of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) was promoting effective justice systems. 22 members and 15 observers of the ENCJ met…
4 June, 2015
On Monday, 8 June, the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary will be held. At the sitting, the Council will decide on possible reorganisation of Jurmala city court, namely, its…