The Commission established by the Judicial Council pursuant to Section 55, Paragraph two and Section 37, Paragraph three of the law "On Judicial Power" shall decide on the permission to participate in the selection of candidates for the office of judge or prosecutor for a person who has committed a criminal offence due to negligence. 


  • Agris Dreimanis, Chair of the Commission, Judge of the Regional Administrative Court, representative of the Latvian Association of Administrative Judges
  • Aiva Daidere, Judge of the Kurzeme Regional Court, representative of the Judicial Ethics Commission
  • Liene Eglāja, Prosecutor of the Southern Kurzeme Prosecution Office, representative of the Latvian Association of Prosecutors
  • Sandra Kaija, Senator of the Supreme Court, representative of the Selection Commission for District (City) Court and Regional Court Judge Candidates
  • Agnis Pormalis, Prosecutor of the Division for Coordination of Enforcement of the Prosecutorial Functions of the Department for Supervision of Operation and International Cooperation of the Prosecutor General's Office, representative of the Commission for Attestation of Prosecutors
  • Andris Zutis, Judge of the Latgale Regional Court, representative of the Latvian Judges Association