The Judicial Ethics Commission is judicial self-government institution, which provides opinion on interpretation and violations of norms of ethics and explains norms of judicial ethics.

  • Diāna Makarova, Deputy Chair of the Commission, Judge of the Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court
  • Adrija Kasakovska, Deputy Chair of the Commission, Judge of Zemgale District Court 
  • Uldis Apsītis, Judge of Riga Regional Court 
  • Jānis Grīnbergs, Chair of Riga City Court 
  • Anita Misiuna, Judge of Zemgale Regional Court 
  • Anda Kraukle, Judge of Riga City Court 
  • Līga Biksiniece-Martinova, Judge of Administrative District Court 
  • Aiva Daidere, Judge of Kurzeme Regional Court 
  • Gita Zenfa, Judge of Zemgale District Court 
  • Sanita Osipova, Senator of the Department of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court 
  • Sittings of the Commission are open. With permission of the Commission, having received consent of a judge, whose possible violation of norms of ethics will be reviewed, and of filer of a request, individuals present may fix course of a sitting using audio or video equipment   

  • Upon motivated request of a person entitled to participate in the sitting or proposal of the Commission’s member, the issue may be reviewed in the closed sitting

  • Conclusions and explanations by the Judicial Ethics’ Commission regarding interpretation and explanation of norms of ethics are published on courts’ website

Explanations, opinions and decisions in Latvian are available here