Latvijas Tiesnešu konference

The Judges’ Conference is an institution of judicial self-government, and judges of the Supreme Court, judges of regional courts, judges of district (city) courts and judges of departments of land books participate in its work with right of voting. 

Pursuant to Section 89.11, Paragraph five of the law „On Judicial Power", the Judicial Council approves the Rules of Procedure of the Latvian Judges Conference and convenes the Conference, determining the issues to be discussed at the Conference.

The Rules of Procedure of the Judges Conference were approved by a decision of the Judicial Council of 22 February 2011.

On 7 May 2012, the Rules of Procedure were amended to provide that the Judges Conference may also be held electronically (e-conference) and that judicial self-government bodies may be elected by secret electronic ballot.

The amendments of 28 October 2013 provide that the Rules of Procedure of the Judges Conference and the decisions adopted thereat shall be recorded by audio recording. The course of the Conference may be recorded by means of image recordings.

The decision of the Judicial Council of 26 October 2015 amended the procedure for the election of judicial self-government bodies.

Materials of the Judges’ Conference

November 2, 2012

September 21, 2012

May 24, 2012