In accordance with Section 891 of the law “On Judicial Power”, the composition of the Judicial Council consists of 15 members – eight permanent members (officials) and seven elected members.

The Judicial Council has the following permanent members:

1) President of the Supreme Court;

2) President of the Constitutional Court;

3) Minister of Justice;

4) Chairperson of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima;

5) Prosecutor General;

6) Chair of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates;

7) Chair of the Latvian Council of Sworn Notaries;

8) Chair of the Latvian Council of Sworn Bailiffs.

A permanent member (official) may authorise another person for the participation in a meeting of the Judicial Council.

The Judicial Council has following elected members:

1) A judge elected by the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court; and

2) Six judges elected by a conference of judges.

The Judicial Conference elects one member of the Judicial Council from among judges of Land Registry offices; three members are elected from among judges of district (city) courts and two judges are elected from among judges of regional courts.

The term of office of an elected member of the Judicial Council shall be four years. The member may be re-elected, but not more than twice in succession The status of an elected member of the Judicial Council may not be consistent with the fulfilment of the duties of a member of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee, a member of the Disciplinary Court, a member of the Judicial Qualification Committee or a member of the Judicial Ethics Commission.

The Ombudsman and the Director of the Court Administration or the authorised representatives thereof, a representative delegated by an expert in jurisprudence approved by the Latvian Academy of Sciences, as well as representatives from associations of judges may participate in the work of the Judicial Council in an advisory capacity.

Aigars Strupišs


Aigars Strupišs

President of the Supreme Court, Chair of the Judicial Council 



Photo from the Supreme Court archive


Rudīte Vīduša

Judge of the Supreme Court (elected 09.09.2024)




Aldis Laviņš


Aldis Laviņš

President of the Constitutional Court  



Inese Lībiņa-Egnere


Inese Lībiņa-Egnere

Minister of Justice



Andrejs Judins


Andrejs Judins

Chair of the Saeima Legal Affairs Committee



Juris Stukāns


Juris Stukāns

Prosecutor General



Jānis Rozenbergs


Jānis Rozenbergs

Chair of the Council of Sworn Advocates



Aigars Kaupe


Aigars Kaupe

Chair of the Council of Sworn Notaries



Iveta Kruka


Iveta Kruka

Chair of the Council of Sworn Bailiffs 



Ilze Celmiņa


Ilze Celmiņa

Judge of Riga Regional Court (elected 16.09.2020)



Juris Siliņš


Juris Siliņš

Chair of Zemgale Regional Court (elected 08.09.2020)



Guntars Ploriņš

Guntars Ploriņš  

Judge of Administrative District Court (elected 15.09.2022)




Madars Plepis


Madars Plepis

Chair of Kurzeme District Court (elected 26.10.2023)



Līga Ašitoka


Līga Ašitoka         

Chair of Vidzeme District Court (elected 10.11.2021)



Baiba Ozoliņa


Baiba Ozoliņa

Judge of Riga City Court (elected 28.09.2022)