4 June, 2015

On Monday, 8 June, the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary will be held. At the sitting, the Council will decide on possible reorganisation of Jurmala city court, namely, its incorporation into Riga district court. There occurred the situation that in Jurmala city court, where there are seven judges’ offices, only two judges will discharge judicial duties in nearest future, and it’s impossible to ensure continuity of review of cases and randomness in allocation of cases, and to ensure review of cases in reasonable terms. The Ministry of Justice believes that it would be possible to solve this situation by annexing the territory of Jurmala city court to Riga district court and establishing Riga district court with the court house in Jurmala, preserving the office of the Chair of the court house there. Reorganisation of Jurmala city court will also affect the Land Registry Office included in its composition.

Two more issues included in the agenda of the Council for the Judiciary are related to this issue – on procedure on how the proposal regarding transfer of a judge to work to another court is prepared and reviewed at the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary, and on changes in number of judges in district (city) courts.    

At its sitting to be held on Monday, the Council for the Judiciary will also review issues related to judicial careers, and will coordinate new policy initiatives for courts for 2014-2016, which are prepared by the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Justice.

The sitting of the Council for the Judiciary will be held on Monday, 8 June, in Room 461 of the Supreme Court, the beginning is at 13.00 o’clock.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211