9 June, 2015

The Council for the Judiciary supported re-appointment of Andris Strauts to the office of the Chair of Latgale regional court for five years. Andris Strauts has worked as a judge for 21 years, and 19 years – in leading office, being the deputy Chair of Latgale regional court and the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Criminal Cases, since 2010.gada – the Chair of Latgale regional court. For the next term of office, Andris Strauts considers the necessity of optimal management, motivation and control of human resources of the regional court, development of infrastructure of the court, strengthening of image and authority of the court, work security and protection, and consolidation of uniform case-law in Latvia. Andris Strauts was the only candidate to this office, and the committee of assessment of candidates considered him to be appropriate to hold the office of the Chair of the regional court.  

Four candidates, in turn, applied for the office of the deputy Chair of Riga regional court, the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Civil Cases, and the assessment committee nominated the judge Liga Blumina from among them, and the Council for the Judiciary supported this decision.   

In accordance with amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, the solution was found regarding career of former judges of the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, who were not appointed to the office of a judge of the department. In accordance with the law, the Council for the Judiciary, upon joint proposal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Minister of Justice, instructed judges Ludmila Polakova and Janis Tiltins to discharge judicial duties in Riga regional court, because it was the only court, which had vacant judicial offices.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211