26 April, 2016
The Council for the Judiciary will submit a proposal to the Saeima (Parliament) to determine that as from 1 January 2017 there are 36 judges in the Supreme Court,…
26 April, 2016
Arnis Sauka, the associate professor of the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and the Director of Centre for Sustainable Business, presented to the Council for the Judiciary the…
26 April, 2016
Annual summary by the European Commission on results in field of justice, EU Justice Scoreboard, which has been elaborated since 2013, in report of this year approves progress…
26 April, 2016
The Council for the Judiciary supported amendments to the Civil Procedure Law being currently advanced in the Saeima (Parliament), which are envisaged to increase the…
26 April, 2016
Having completed the first evaluation of professional activity of all Latvia judges, which had been carried out for three years, the Judicial Qualification Committee concluded that,…
13 April, 2016
The European Commission has published already the fourth report on rule of law in the European Union “Summary of European results in justice” (The 2016 EU Justice Scoreboard),…