26 April, 2016

Having completed the first evaluation of professional activity of all Latvia judges, which had been carried out for three years, the Judicial Qualification Committee concluded that, along with evaluation of professional activity, understanding among judges regarding their obligation of professional improvement and development has increased.   

Maris Vigants, the Chair of the Judicial Qualification Committee, informed the Council for the Judiciary of results – the absolute majority of judges have received positive evaluation of professional activity, negative opinion being given only to six first instance judges. 

The Judicial Qualification Committee has concluded that judges have understood the necessity for continuous professional improvement, because, irrespective of length of service, instance or their own will, they will have to undergo evaluation of professional activity again in five years. The Chair of the Committee urged Chairs of courts and the Court Administration to analyse facilitating and impeding circumstances, which have been mentioned in judges’ self-evaluations, and to observe those in within organisation of work of courts. 

The new system of evaluation has also improved abilities of Chairs of courts to assess their judges professionally; more qualitative and analytical documents have been received from the Court Administration, and judges of regional courts and the Supreme Court have contributed much to analysis of rulings passed by judges of lower instances.

The evaluation process has improved, at the same time showing problematic aspects. The Council for the Judiciary urged the Judicial Qualification Committee to acknowledge these aspects and to propose improvement of legal provisions, if necessary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211