29 September, 2015

In the sitting of 28 September, the Council for the Judiciary instructed the new judge Agris Dreimanis to discharge judicial duties in Riga court house of the Administrative district court. He was appointed to the office of a judge of a district (city) court by the decision of the Saeima (Parliament) of 3 September.

Ieva Viskere and Kristine Kalvane – two judges of the Administrative district court, in turn, were instructed by the Council for the Judiciary to temporarily discharge duties of a judge of the Administrative regional court. Temporary substitutes of judges are needed in the Administrative regional court, because the judge Anita Kovalevska went to training to the European Court of Human Rights within framework of international training programme, and the judge Dzintra Amerika will substitute for the judge of the Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court for particular term.   

The Council for the Judiciary also decided to instruct Dzintra Amerika to substitute for vacancy of a judge of the Supreme Court temporarily.

The Council for the Judiciary also decided on transfer of judges within single court house – Ieva Balina, Inguna Gaile and Ilze Freimane, judges of Riga district court, are transferred to Jurmala court house of Riga district court.   


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211