11 September, 2018

On September 11, Juris Stukans, judge of Riga Regional Court, Guntars Plorins, judge of Valmiera Courthouse of the Administrative District Court, and Andris Zutis, judge of Rezekne Court, have been elected as members of the Council for the Judiciary at the Judges’ Electronic Conference.

No one of the other four candidates of regional courts received a majority of the votes, therefore on September 18 the second round of elections will take place, in which two candidates will participate, who received the highest number of votes in the first round.

The representatives of the judges had to be re-elected to the Council for the Judiciary, as the second four-years term of office has ended for five members – the maximum statutory term for elected member of the Council for the Judiciary. One representative of the judges is elected at the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court in accordance with the law, and on September 10 Aigars Strupiss has been elected to this position. The Judges’ Conference had to elect four judges to the Council for the Judiciary – two from among judges of regional courts and two judges of district (city) courts. Five judges of regional courts and three judges of district (city) courts were nominated. All candidates presented their vision for the further work of the Council for the Judiciary at the Judges’ Conference on September 7.

On September 11, 406 of 557 judges participated in the electronic elections.


Information prepared by
Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court
E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 2865221