21 June, 2021

The Judicial Council supported the proposals of the Court Administration and the Supreme Court on activities to be identified as priorities in the 2022-2024 budgets.

There are five priorities regarding the budgets of district (city) and regional courts. The first is improvement of video conferencing and computer hardware infrastructure, increase of data flow speed; the second is the provision of leave allowance for judges; third – expansion of training programs and opportunities for professional improvement of judges, involvement of a psychologist in the process of selection of candidates for the position of a judge; fourth – implementation of activities related to the gradual implementation and improvement of the E-case reform; and fifth – full provision of services provided to courts (premises, postal services, security).

The Supreme Court has also envisaged five priorities. The first is the establishment of a competitive remuneration system for the employees of the Supreme Court; the second is strengthening the capacity of the Supreme Court (creation of three positions for legal research counsels and a lawyer in the Chancery); the third – capacity building of the Judicial Council (positions for an adviser and a consultant); fourth – informing and educating the society; fifth – membership in the International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211