14 February, 2017

The following three strategic objectives - independence of the judiciary, efficiency of its work and public confidence in the judiciary – are set as a priority by the Council for the Judiciary, when confirming the strategy of activity of 2017-2019. The document approved by the Council for the Judiciary also includes most important tasks to achieve these objectives.

In order to strengthen the independence of the judiciary, the Council for the Judiciary will take part in the judicial policy-making and consider issues on development of regulatory framework that directly affect the judicial system. The Council wishes to extend its functions and powers on issues such as the appointment of judges and career progress, judicial budgeting, and the composition of the Council for the Judiciary. Strengthening of the independence of the judiciary shall be encouraged also by developing international cooperation and by active participation in the Network of Councils for the Judiciary.

To promote efficiency of the judiciary, the Council for the Judiciary will analyze the progress of courthouses reform and its impact on the judicial system, as well as will assess the deadlines for adjudication of cases and resources for litigation process.

In order to ensure public awareness of the judicial work and confidence in the judiciary, the Council for the Judiciary has established the improvement of communication of the judicial system as its primary objective. The Council will promote the observation of unified communication principle in judicial institutions, as well as will periodically assess public attitude towards the judicial system and judicial work.

Strategy of the Council for the Judiciary is developed by specifying the priorities 2014-2020 set out in the Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia and in the National Development Plan of Latvia for the development of the judiciary, as well as on the basis of proposals expressed in the report of Commission for Legal Environment Improvement "On improvement of the work of the Council for the Judiciary".


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211