20 October, 2020

The Judicial Council established a selection commission of candidates for the position of judges of district (city) courts and regional courts, which shall have 9 members – three senators of the Supreme Court, three judges of regional courts and three judges of district (city) courts. The commission is established for a period of three years.

In the commission, the Supreme Court shall be represented by Ieva Viskere, Senator of the Department of Administrative Cases, Dzintra Balta, Senator of the Department of Civil Cases, and Sandra Kaija, Senator of the Department of Criminal Cases.

From among judges of the regional courts there will be Sanita Kanenberga, Judge of the Administrative Regional Court, Silva Reinholde, Judge of the Kurzeme Regional Court, and Agnese Veita, Judge of the Collegium of Civil Cases of the Riga Regional Court.

From district (city) courts – Ilze Freimane, Judge of the Administrative District Court, Signe Grinberga, Judge of the Riga City Latgale District Court, and Adrija Bulina, Judge of the Riga City Pardaugava Court.

The Chair of the Judicial Council or a person authorized by him may also take part in the work of the commission in an advisory capacity.

The decision was adopted by the Judicial Council in a written procedure on 20 October


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211