20 March, 2015

The Council for the Judiciary asks the Saeima (Parliament) to increase number of judges of regional courts for three judges, envisaging that there are 140 judges in regional courts, inter alia, 22 judges – in the Administrative regional court.  

Last November, the Council for the Judiciary had asked the Saeima to increase number of judges of regional courts, stating that there are 139 judges in regional courts, inter alia, 21 judges in Administrative regional court, but the Saeima did not approve such decision. The Saeima, in turn, supported the request of the Council for the Judiciary of 9 February 2015 to increase number of judges in Administrative regional court for 1 judge, respectively reducing number of judges of Administrative district court.

Thus, at present total number of judges of a regional court is 137 judges, inter alia, 22 judges in Administrative regional court.  

Observing work load of Riga regional court, the Council for the Judiciary repeatedly asks the Saeima to increase number of judges of a regional court for three offices.

The Council for the Judiciary adopted the decision in written procedure on 17 March.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211