12 September, 2014

Extramural Latvian Judges’ Conference has ended and, by means of electronic elections, judges have re-elected representatives to institutions of judicial self-government – the Judicial Disciplinary Committee, the Judicial Qualification Committee and the Judicial Ethics Commission. 

10 members are elected tothe Judicial Disciplinary Committee: from among judges of the Supreme Court - Valerijans Jonikans, the judge of the Department of Civil Cases, Peteris Opincans, the judge of the Department of Criminal Cases, Janis Neimanis, the judge of the Department of Administrative Cases and Raimonds Gravelsins, the judge of the Chamber of Civil Cases;  from among Chairs of regional courts – Inguna Preisa, the Chair of Zemgale regional court and Edite Knegere, the Chair of Vidzeme regional court; from among Chairs of district (city) courts – Iveta Krevica, the Chair of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court and Ilgvars Jaungelze, the Chair of Liepaja court; from among Heads of Land Registry offices – Gunars Silins, the Chair of Land Registry office of Rezekne court and Inese Kirsteine, the Head of Land Registry office of Cesu district court.

In accordance with the law “On Judicial Power” and the Law on Disciplinary Liability of Judges, members of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee are elected for four years.

Peteris Dzalbe, the Chair of the Department of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, will continue to discharge duties of the Chair of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee until expiration of his quadrennial term of office, that is, until November 2015.  

To the Judicial Ethics Commission, from among candidates nominated by judges of district (city) courts Anita Kovalevska, the judge of the Administrative regional court was re-elected for following four years.  

To the Judicial Qualification Committee, Aivars Keiss, the judge of the Department of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court was elected. The member to the Judicial Qualification Committee had to be re-elected from among civil judges of the Supreme Court, as maximum age of discharge of judicial duties of Gunars Aigars, the Chair of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court, expires in November. Authority of Aivars Keiss as of member of the Judicial Qualification Committee will become effective as from 2 November 2014.  

Elections of institutions of judicial self-government were held on 12 September in extramural conference in electronic form. 413 of 544 Latvian judges participated in elections.



Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211