On September 3, 2010, on annual Judicial conference judges elected representatives of judges in the Board of Justice. This decision is important for the history of courts of Latvia, as the Board of Justice has been founded for the first time.

Judicial conference elected six representatives, according to representation of court instances that is established in the law “On Judicial Power”: from regional courts – the Chair of Riga regional court Sandra Strence and the Chair of Latgales regional court Andris Strauts, from district courts – the Chair of Administrative district court Ilze Freimane, the judge of the court of Tukuma district Adrija Kasakovska and the judge of the court of Bauskas district Aigars Sniedzitis, from Departments of Land books – the judge of the Department of Land book of Jurmala city Inara Jaunzeme. One more representative of the court – the senator Inara Garda was elected in the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court on August, 30.

“Having made a decision about foundation of the Board of Justice this summer, the Parliament made an essential step in strengthening of judicial power. New institution will give broader opportunities of self-government to a judicial system and will allow us influencing processes in judicial system. The luck of the Board of Justice is in your own hands”, addressing members of the Conference, indicated Solvita Aboltina, the assistant to the Chair of Saeima, the Chair of subcommission of Legal Committee for the work on the Law On Judicial System.

General Prosecutor Eriks Kalnmeiers stressed that the role of the Board of Justice will be seen only upon the work of the Board, if it will be formal or directed to improvement of the system. The task of his work, while entering the post of the General Prosecutor, was “highly skilled prosecutors in modern Prosecutor’s office”, and this may also be related to all judicial system. That’s why it is necessary to elect in the Board of Justice not only respected candidates, but also those, who will be able to make unpleasant decisions, necessary for development of the system.

In his turn, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Ivars Bickovics drew the attention that government didn’t give any finances for the activity of the Board of Justice founded, and it raises worries about attitude of the state towards this institution. The answer of the Ministry of Finance to the Supreme Court was that additional financing will not be granted and it is necessary to search for it in the budget of the Supreme Court.

The Board of Justice was founded according to amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, adopted on September 3. The Board is a collegial institution that will participate in workout of policy and strategy of judicial system and improve organisation of work of the judicial system.

In the composition of the Board of Justice there are eight constant members and seven members elected for 4 years – one judge elected by the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court and six judges elected by the Judicial Conference. The constant members of the Board of Justice are the Chair of the Constitutional Court, the Minister of Justice, the Chair of Juridical Committee of Saeima, General Prosecutor, and the Chairs of the Board of Sworn Advocates, the Board of Sworn Notaries and of the Board of Sworn Bailiffs.

The law states that work of the Board of Justice should be provided by the Administration of the Supreme Court.


Information prepared by

Head of the Division of Communications of the Supreme Court Rasma Zvejniece

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211