27 October, 2015

The Council for the Judiciary decided to convene extramural Judges’ Conference to elect several members to institutions of judicial self-government in electronic elections. 

The Judges’ Conference must elect one member of the Council for the Judiciary from among judges of Land Registry Offices, because Inara Jaunzeme, former representative of Land Registry Offices, is transferred to the office of a judge of a district (city) court.   

Representative of judicial panels of civil cases of regional courts must be elected to the Judicial Qualification Committee,because Anna Biksiniece, the judge of Latgale regional court, has retired.

Two representatives must be elected to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee, namely, the judge of the Supreme Court and the Chair of the Department of the Supreme Court, who will also hold an office of the Chair of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee. The judge of the Supreme Court must be re-elected, because former representative, Raimonds Gravelsins, having reached the age stipulated by the law, terminated execution of judicial duties. One from among Chairs of departments of the Supreme Court must, in turn, be elected to the office of the Chair of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee instead of former deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Along with changes in structure of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice has no more deputies, and this position is replaced in the Judicial Disciplinary Liability Law by the position of the Chair of the department of the Supreme Court.

Members to institutions of judicial self-government are elected for four years.

The Council for the Judiciary approved Maris Vigants, the Chair of the Administrative regional court, to be the Head of the e-Conference of 5 November, and Inguna Helmane, the judge of the Land Registry Office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court, was appointed the secretary of the e-Conference. Sandra Strence, discharger of duties of the Chair of Riga city Latgale suburb court, Jolanta Livena, the judge of the Land Registry Office of Riga district court, and Iveta Kniploka, the judge of Jelgava court, were approved to the counting committee.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211