13 February, 2014

On Monday, February 17, researchers of the Institute for Social Research will present study “Reliability of courts and corruption perception in work of courts in Latvia”. Research was performed upon order of the Board of Justice last year, and the first presentation of its results and conclusions was already heard at Latvian Judges’ Conference on November 1.  

In the sitting of the Board of Justice, information of the Ministry of Justice on possible regulation concerning review of industrial property disputes will be listened to. The Board of Justice was asked to provide its opinion on regulation included in the draft law “The Industrial Property Law” and possible variants of procedural solution of examining of cases in the Industrial Property Appellate Board and judicial review of decisions adopted by it.

The Ministry of Justice prepared several issues more, which are significant for court system, to be presented to and discussed by the Board of Justice, namely, on procedure of appealing against small claims in civil procedure, on fixing of course of a court hearing in audio record and problems regarding use of technical equipment, and also on planned amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”.  

Agenda of the sitting of the Board of Justice will also include issues related to judges’ career. It has been planned to decide on appointment of Alviss Jekabsons, the judge of Talsi district court, to the office of the Chair of Talsi district court and on determination of a court for Dace Grabovska to execute judicial duties.

Sitting of the Board of Justice will take place on Monday, February 17, in Room 461 of the Supreme Court. The beginning is at 13.00 o’clock.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211