29 November, 2016

Having heard information of the Ministry of Justice, the Council for the Judiciary supports reorganization of Riga City Zemgale Suburb Court and Kurzeme District Court. The reorganization plan provides incorporation of Riga City Zemgale Suburb Court action territory in City of Riga Kurzeme District Court, thus possibly establishing a court with new name. Reorganization scheduled for 1 February of the following year.

Irena Kucina, Deputy state Secretary on Court of the Ministry of Justice, and Daiga Vilsone, Chair of Riga Regional, explained that the reorganization of courts (by merging them) was intended but at a later time. The issue is raised in connection with the situation in the specific courts, which now lack chairpersons. The merging of courts aims to balance the workload of judges, to ensure specialization of judges and randomization in distribution of cases, as well as alignment of duration of proceedings. Both of these courts are now so-called small courts, as the number of judges is twice lower compared to other Riga regional courts: Kurzeme District Court has 12 judges (14 positions/posts are affirmed), City of Riga Zemgale District Court - 14 judges.

Judicial representatives, who attended the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary, acknowledged that they did not object judicial reorganization, but pointed to the lack of communication with judges and employees of courts to be reorganized - first of all, they need more information and an explanation of the reforms that concern them. Representative of the Ministry of Justice promised to visit courts and meet with judges and employees, once the Council for the Judiciary confirms the reorganization.

The Council for the Judiciary reviewed an issue in the sitting of 28 November. 


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, + 371 28652211