25 August, 2017

The duty of the legislative and the executive branches is to ensure the functional existence of an independent judiciary. It also includes such remuneration of judges and prosecutors which corresponds to functions and responsibilities of these positions and is equivalent to remuneration of senior officials of the public administration.

Council for the Judiciary has repeatedly requested to restore the balance of the single remuneration system, which has been disturbed by the repeated amendments to the Law “On Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities”. As well as the Council supports a cross-sectoral priority measure "Salary increase for judges and prosecutors" submitted by the Ministry of Justice regarding the state budget 2018-2020, which provides for a gradual increase in the remuneration of judges and prosecutors.

The Council for the Judiciary expresses its support for additional observations submitted by the Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnačs to the State Chancellery for the agenda of government sitting of August 22, which justify the priorities of justice sector in the national budget.

Statement by the Minister of Justice Dzintars Rasnačs on the priorities of the justice sector in the state budget (in Latvian)