1 September, 2015

The Council for the Judiciary considers that, in order to balance wages of judges and prosecutors, and civil servants working in state administration, the salary of judges must be linked with average monthly salary in the year before last, which is officially published by the Central Statistical Bureau, having applied respective rate. It means refusal from linking of judges’ wages to the group 12 of salaries of civil servants employed in the state administration, as it is currently.  

The Council for the Judiciary performed analysis about real remuneration and turned the attention to the problem that, when including judges and prosecutors in unified remuneration system, the planned balance was destroyed, by abolishing limitations on extras and bonuses in public administration sector, but preserving them in respect of judges and prosecutors.

Several solutions of change of remuneration system of judges and prosecutors linked to it, which were prepared by the Ministry of Justice in co-operation with the Ministry of Finance, upon instruction of the Prime Minister, were offered for consideration by the Council for the Judiciary. 

The Council for the Judiciary accepted the solution that judge’s remuneration has been approximated to the remuneration of heads of legal departments of authorities of executive power, who receive higher salary, determining the rate of 4.31 to calculate the monthly salary of a judge of a district (city) court. Moreover, period of three years is determined to balance of remuneration, and it must not be exceeded.  

The Prime Minister will be informed of the opinion of the Council for the Judiciary.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211