3 August, 2019

In the issue of journal “Jurista Vards” of August 13, Aigars Strupiss, a member of the Council for the Judiciary and chair of the Department of Civil Cases of the Senate, expressed his views on the establishment of an economic court and about the way the decision of the Council for the Judiciary to not to support establishment of such a court as proposed by the Ministry of Justice is reflected.

Aigars Strupiss writes that “the initiative of the Ministry of Justice to establish a specialized economic court has been actively promoted in the public space recently. Thus, there are news on media that contain either partially false facts or trivialize the Council for the Judiciary’s decision not to support the creation of such a court as “fight against progress”. The decision was adopted by nine votes against and two votes for the creation of such a court as proposed by the Ministry of Justice, including the levelling of the Council for the Judiciary’s decision to the opinion of “individual judges”. As a member of the Council for the Judiciary, I voted in favour of such a decision and it has rational explanation, which I consider necessary to provide, since only an open and honest discussion of the shortcomings of the Ministry of Justice's proposal can help to find the optimal solution”.