21 February, 2019

The results of public surveys on trust in state and public institutions in recent years show positive trends regarding increase of public confidence in the courts.

In December 2016, 37.8% trusted the courts fully or in the most part, in December 2017 – 38.6%, while 43.5% of the respondents trusted the courts in December 2018 as the recent study showed.

Annually in December the research centre SKDS carries out a nationally representative survey (the number of respondents is around 1000) involving direct public interviews in the respondents' place of residence that are used to establish the level of public trust in different institutions. For comparison: in December 2018, 21.4% of the population of Latvia trusted fully or in the most part the executive power (the Cabinet of Ministers), and 18.2% – trusted the legislator (Parliament).


Information prepared by

Dace Sulmane, Adviser the Secretariat of the Council for the Judiciary