10 November, 2015

On Friday, 13 November, Latvian judges – judges of district and city courts, Land Registry Offices thereof, regional courts and the Supreme Court – will gather to annual Judges’ Conference.  

Raimonds Vejonis, the President of the State, was invited to participate in the conference and to address Latvian judges. The Committee for Improvement of Legal Environment, which is established by the President, is also invited to participate in the Conference.  

Members of the Council for the Judiciary, members of the Judicial Policy Subcommittee of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima (Parliament), judges of the Constitutional Court and Judges Emeritus will also be among guests of the Conference.  

Ivars Bickovics, the Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, will report on activity performed by the Council for the Judiciary since previous conference. Dzintars Rasnacs, the Minister of Justice, will inform on topical issues in the system of justice. Visvaldis Sprudzans, the Chair of the Judicial Ethics’ Committee, will present a report on activity performed by the Committee within last year.

Understanding importance of communication in work of judicial system and courts, the Council for the Judiciary has approved two significant provisions, namely, the Guidelines on Communication of a Court System and the Strategy for Communication of Courts. How to implement the strategy in practice, how the judge could be confident in communication - - these will be topics for discussions in the second part of the conference. 

Judges’ Conference is an institution of judicial self-government, which is convened not less than once a year by the Council for the Judiciary. The Council for the Judiciary also approves the Regulation of the Judges’ Conference.   

Judges’ Conference will b held on Friday, 13 November, in the Conference Hall of  Radisson Blue Hotel Latvija. The beginning is at 10.00 o’clock.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211