16 February, 2016

The Council for the Judiciary supports strategic goal of the state joint-stock company “Courthouse Agency” – effective management of infrastructure of the system of justice – and preservation of participation of the state in the agency.

Exercising   responsibility imposed by the State Administration Structure Law to public persons, which have founded a capital company, to reassess participation therein in accordance with this law and Public Persons Enterprises and Capital Shares Governance Law, the Ministry of Justice prepares information report on preservation of participation of the state in the state joint-stock company “Courthouse Agency”, to be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. During elaboration of the report, the Ministry asked for the opinion of the Council for the Judiciary.

The Council for the Judiciary supports general strategic goal of the Courthouse Agency – to ensure to ensure effective management of the infrastructure, which is significant for implementation of policy of justice sector, in accordance with requirements of justice sector, and accessibility of high-quality information, thus facilitating strengthening of rule of law as mandatory precondition for public safety and development in Latvia.  

The Council for the Judiciary supports preservation of participation of the state in the Courthouse Agency, not altering its legal status – the state joint-stock company – and leaving the management of the Agency at the discretion of the Ministry of Justice.

The purpose of activity of the Courthouse Agency is provision to the Ministry of Justice, authorities subjected thereto and the courts of premises, which are necessary for exercising of their functions; management of real property complying with requirements of the justice sector and implementation of projects of new courthouses. The Agency also maintains and develops information and communication technologies infrastructure, and carries out legal education of public, by publishing legal literature.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211