On 2 March, the extramural Latvian Judges’ Conference will be held to elect representative to the Judicial Qualification Committee from among judges of the Department of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court in electronic elections.

The Council for the Judiciary approved plan of organisation and course of e-Conference of 2 March. It envisages that nomination of candidates will take place as from 23 February until 25 February, and on 25-26 February there will be an opportunity provided to ask questions to candidates, and then judges will receive individual codes and passwords to participate in electronic elections on 2 March.  

The Council for the Judiciary instructed Daina Treija, the Chair of Riga city Zemgale suburb court to be the Head of the e-Conference, and Jolanta Livena, the judge of Land Registry office of Riga district – to be the Secretary of the e-Conference.

The Council for the Judiciary also determined counting committee. It will include Zanna Zujeva, the Head of Land Registry office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb, Doloresa Bambere, the deputy Chair of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court, and Gunta Sokolova, the deputy Chair of Riga city Kurzeme district court.

Elections of the representative to the Judicial Qualification Committee must be organised to elect a judge of the Department of Criminal Cases as a representative instead of Ervins Kuskis, the former judge of the Chamber of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, due to liquidation of the chamber.

Judges of the Supreme Court, judges of regional courts, judges of district (city) courts and judges of Land Registry offices participate in the work of the Conference with voting right.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211