18 May, 2023

On Thursday, May 18, the Judicial Council published an overview of its performance in 2022.

In 2023, the annual tradition of publishing performance reports of the Judicial Council commences in order to provide the Latvian public with an insight into the topicalities of the work of the Judicial Council, as well as to inform on issues of judicial system development and policy planning.

Aigars Strupišs, the Chair of the Judicial Council, stated that "the 2022 report of the Judicial Council is the first published report of the Judicial Council which in one place gathers information on the most important work done by the Council in the previous year. In 2022, the Judicial Council focused its resources on issues that have an imperative impact on improving the quality of the judicial system such as on the selection procedures of judges, training, development of self-governing bodies of judges and efficiency of court operations. The accomplished tasks are reflected in this report.”

The report contains both general information about the composition, functions and decisions of the Judicial Council, as well as more comprehensive information about the activities of self-governing institutions of judges and the work of commissions and working groups established by the Judicial Council. The report also includes current events regarding the Judicial Council’s communication and international cooperation projects.

The most important topicalities of the Judicial Council in 2022 are the unification of the Riga courts as the most important structural reform of the judicial system, the establishment of the Judicial Academy, which is one of the most important development projects in the year under review and also in the following years, as well as there is information about the decisions of the Judicial Council concerning the developments of Latvian judicial system in 2022.

The performance report of the Judicial Council for the year 2022 is available here (in Latvian).

Lana Mauliņa

Adviser to the Judicial Council on communication matters
Lana.Maulina [at] at.gov.lv