7 November, 2014

Along with beginning of operation of the 12th Saeima (Parliament) and elections of Chairs of the committees of the Saeima, as well as with approval of the new Cabinet of Ministers, officials represented in the Council for the Judiciary have changed.

In future, the Council for the Judiciary shall include Gaidis Berzins, the Chair  of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima, who had already worked in the Council for the Judiciary previously as the Minister of Justice.

Another official, who has changed, is the Minister of Justice. In future, Dzintars Rasnacs, the Minister of Justice, will work in the Council for the Judiciary.

In accordance with the Section 891 of the law “On Judicial Power”, the Council for the Judiciary consists of 15 members – seven elected judges and eight permanent members (officials), namely, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the President of the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor General, the Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima, the Minister of Justice, Chairs of the Council of Sworn Advocates, the Council of Sworn Notaries and the Council of Sworn Bailiffs.

Since foundation of the Council for the Judiciary in 2010, Heads of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Saeima had not changed, it was represented in the Council for the Judiciary by Ilma Cepane during these years. However, Ministers of Justice had changed five times.  


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211