30 September, 2014

The Council for the Judiciary supported new policy initiatives of the Supreme Court and new policy initiatives of regional courts, district (city) courts and Land Registry offices prepared by the Ministry of Justice, or measures that require additional financing from state budget.   

The Supreme Court requests financing in budget for 2015 for establishment of the Division of Scientific Research in the Supreme Court, installation of qualitative and secure record system for recording of court hearings in accordance with requirements of the Civil Procedure Law, repair of premises of the Chamber of Criminal Cases due to structural reform in the Supreme Court, and to ensure competitive salary to employees of the Supreme Court, increasing wages for 8 per cent.  

However, financing is requested in new policy initiatives of regional courts, district (city) courts and Land Registry offices prepared by the Ministry of Justice is requested for distribution of competences among court instances to ensure support personnel for offices of judges in regional courts, which shall be established after liquidation of the Chamber of Criminal Cases, for ensuring of competitive remuneration to court employees, increasing average salary for 8%, and to judges’ assistants – in addition to extension of their authority, as well as for increase of amount of trainings for judges and court employees. Extra funds have been requested also for development of security infrastructure in courts, maintenance of court houses, extension of premises of Kurzeme regional court and new premises for Riga city Zemgale suburb court.

Additional financing has been requested also to increase wages of judges and prosecutors for 8 per cent.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211