14 March, 2023

On Monday, March 13, Aigars Strupišs, the Chair of the Judicial Council, and Dzintra Balta, the Deputy Chair of the Judicial Council, met with the judges of the Kurzeme District Court. During the meeting, work matters of the Judicial Council and courts were discussed.

As part of the visit, Aigars Strupišs informed the Kurzeme District Court judges about the strategy of the Judicial Council for 2021 to 2025. Moreover, Aigars Strupišs presented the judges with the work priorities of the Judicial Council for 2023.

When discussing the issue of independence of the judiciary with the judges, the Chair of the Judicial Council pointed out that the system of judges' self-governance plays an important role in this regard. "The independence of judges presupposes also the responsibility of judges. Self-governance institutions of judges should be strengthened in order to ensure the transparency of the judicial system, periodic evaluation of judges’ professional performance, and accountability to the public," said A. Strupišs.

Dzintra Balta, the Deputy Chair of the Judicial Council, informed the judges of the Kurzeme District Court about the new procedure for selection of candidates for judicial position. The judges of the Kurzeme District Court emphasized that it is necessary to organize more training for judge assistants in order to motivate and encourage them to become judges. At the same time, the members of the Judicial Council indicated that the Judicial Council, together with the Working Group on Strengthening the Court Efficiency, is working on improving the institution of the judge's assistant in order to ensure that it is a highly qualified lawyer capable of prividing professional support to a judge who becomes a judge’s assistant.

Furthermore, the members of the Judicial Council and the judges of the Kurzeme District Court discussed the types of cases that could be examined in written proceedings in order to ensure the fundamental rights of individuals to a fair trial.

The members of the Judicial Council also informed the judges of the Kurzeme District Court about the progress of the Judicial Academy project and indicated that the Judicial Academy will commence its work at the beginning of 2025. Also, work is currently underway on the development of curricula.

At the conclusion of the visit, members of the Judicial Council invited the judges of the Kurzeme District Court to contact the Secretariat of the Judicial Council for leaving suggestions for improvement of the judicial work.

Additional information:

The Judicial Council participates in the development of the policy and strategy of the judicial system, as well as in the improvement of the work organization of the judicial system. Therefore, in order to ensure a high-quality and direct dialogue with the judiciary, members of the Judicial Council also met with the judges of the Regional Courts of Latgale, Zemgale, Vidzeme, Kurzeme and Riga, as well as with the judges of Economic Court and Riga City Court. Members of the Judicial Council also plan to meet with the judges of the Regional Administrative Court and district (city) courts.

Lana Mauliņa

Adviser to the Judicial Council on communication matters
Lana.Maulina [at] at.gov.lv