4 June, 2019

The Council for the Judiciary took note of a report of the EU Justice Scoreboard 2019, which is the latest European Commission’s report on the performance results of the European Union in the area of ​​justice.

In 2019, the report compares the implementation of the funding of justice systems, analyzes the quality standards of rulings of the supreme courts, the managerial levers over national investigative bodies, the appointment and dismissal of prosecutors, the institutions involved in the disciplinary proceedings of judges, the standards and practice of distribution of cases.

The strong points of Latvia are the stability in the length of proceedings, electronic communication, access to rulings, organization of court customer surveys, training of judges in EU law.

Whereas, budget investments and returns, slow improvement in the perception of the independence of the judiciary, lengthy proceedings in cases of certain categories, high court fees were named as Latvia's weak points.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211