Emphasizing that a remuneration commensurate with the position of a judge and competitive remuneration for court employees is a prerequisite for the balanced development of all branches of the state power and strengthening of the rule of law in the country, the Latvian Judges Conference adopted a resolution “On Remuneration of Judges and Court Employees”. The resolution will be sent to the President, the Saeima (Parliament) and the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Judges Conference regrets the policy implemented so far by the Government and the Saeima, insufficiently strengthening the judiciary, not providing and ensuring remuneration corresponding to the status of a judge in a lasting manner, thus forcing judges to address the Constitutional Court several times to ensure protection of their rights. Likewise, prolonged postponement and non-addressing of the issue of non-competitive remuneration of judicial employees do not ensure the proper development of the judiciary and reduces the prestige of the judiciary.

The Judges Conference requests that in the future consideration of the draft Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities such remuneration system to be ensured so that it is in balance with all branches of state power and be competitive not only in state administration in the branches of the executive and legislative powers but also in the branch of judicial power.

In addition, the Judges Conference recognizes that a meaningful development of the state and the judiciary requires a qualitative dialogue between the branches of state power and not only on the issues of improving the remuneration system. The judiciary calls on the executive and the legislature to cooperate fully, based on respectful dialogue and aimed at finding constructive solutions at a national level.

348 judges from a total of 548 judges from the Latvian courts of general jurisdiction and administrative courts took part in the Conference. Judges of the Constitutional Court and honorary judges were also the guests of the conference.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211