14 October, 2016

14 October, in the second round of elections the Judicial Qualifications Committee elected representatives of district (city) courts – Gunita Galina, the chair of Saldus District Court, and Kristine Zdanovska, judge of the City of Riga Vidzeme District Court.

358 judges attended the first round of electronic elections, 310 out of 562 Latvian judges participated in the second round.

13 October, on the first day of elections Veronika Krumina, the chair of Department of Administrative Cases of the Supreme Court, Silva Reinholde, the chair of Kurzeme Regional Court, and Inara Zarina, the head of the Department of Land books of Riga District Court, were elected as members of Judicial Qualifications Committee.

Also judges who have not yet served four terms in office, Aivars Keiss and Arturs Freibergs, judges of the Supreme Court, Maris Vigants, the chair of the Administrative District Court, and Marianna Terjuhana, judge of Zemgale District Court (currently judge of the Supreme Court) work in the Judicial Qualifications Committee.

Judicial Qualifications Committee is judicial self-government institution that carries out the evaluation of professional performance of judges. Committee is composed of nine judges - three Supreme Court judges (one from each department – Department of Civil Cases, Department of Criminal Cases and Department of Administrative Cases), three from regional courts (one from Collegium of Civil Cases, one from Collegium of Criminal Cases, and one from Administrative Regional Court), two from district (city) courts, one from the Department of Land books.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: + 371 67020396, +371 28652211