17 June, 2016

The newly elected Judicial Ethics Committee, the first sitting of which was convened on 17 June by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, elected Anita Kovalevska, Judge of the Administrative Regional Court, as the Chair of the Committee, and Alla Silova, Judge of Latgale Regional Court, – the Deputy Chair.

Ivars Bickovics, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Chair of the Council for the Judiciary, pointed out the positive evaluation of performance of previous Judicial Ethics Committee in Judicial Conference and wished equally successful performance to the new Committee.

The first meeting of the Committee was attended by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Marika Senkane, the former member of the Ethics Committee and actual judge of the Supreme Court, who shared her experience in organizational matters of the Committee.

In order to maintain the succession of the work begun, judges who worked in the previous term are re-elected in the administration of the Judicial Ethics Committee.7 members out of 10 are re-elected during the Judicial Conference of May 13 because most members of the previous composition had their second term of office expired. Law "On Judicial Power" provides that a judge in the Judicial Ethics Committee can be re-elected not more than for two consecutive terms.

Judicial Ethics Committee is collegiate body of judicial self-management. Its primary aim is to give opinions on the violation of ethics codes, as well as to clarify and update the rules of judicial ethics. Judicial Ethics Committee can also decide on initiating the disciplinary proceedings.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211