3 June, 2020

The Judicial Council will hear the candidates for the position of Prosecutor General on Monday, 8 June and on Tuesday, 9 June, and will decide on the most suitable candidate to be nominated for appointment.

Eight candidates have applied for the competition for the position of Prosecutor General announced by the Judicial Council.

The documents submitted by all candidates confirm the compliance of the applicants with the requirements set out in Section 36 of the Office of the Prosecutor Law, i.e. age, citizenship, education, length of service, and other requirements. All applicants have received a positive opinion of the Constitution Protection Bureau regarding compliance with the requirements specified in the Law “On Official Secret” for obtaining a special permit for access to state secret.

Pursuant to the Regulations on the Competition and Evaluation Criteria for Candidates for the Position of the Prosecutor General approved by the Judicial Council, the development concepts of all eight candidates are published on the Supreme Court's website in the section of Judicial Council and on the website of Official Gazette “Latvijas Vēstnesis”.

The Judicial Council will hear all candidates for the position of Prosecutor General. The candidate who shall receive the majority of votes of the members of the Judicial Council will be nominated for the appointment by the Saeima (parliament) in the position of the Prosecutor General.

Due to the emergency situation caused by Covid-19, the media will not be able to participate in the meeting of the Judicial Council, but those interested will be able to follow the open part of the live meeting. According to the Regulations, the hearing of the applicants is open, but the discussion and voting are closed.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211