12 October, 2021

The Judicial Council assessed and supported the budget request submitted by the Supreme Court for 2022, which is 7,614,020 euros. The three main priority lines of action set out in the budget request are the establishment of a competitive Supreme Court staff remuneration system (218,545 euros), strengthening the capacity of the Supreme Court by increasing the Senate support staff (200,709 euros) and strengthening the capacity of the Judicial Council (78,977 euros). The budget of the Supreme Court also envisages informing and educating the public, organizing the centenary events of the Satversme (Constitution) and participation in the International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions.

The Judicial Council also supported the budget request for regional courts and district (city) courts drawn up by the Ministry of Justice for 2022, which is planned to amount to 75,679,914 euros. This budget request sets out nine priority actions for which an increase in the budget is requested.

The highest budget increase is for the E-Case reform (901,508 euros). Funds are also requested for the improvement of videoconferencing and computer infrastructure and for the increase of data flow speed (634,180 euros), for the provision of full-fledged services provided to courts (408,629 euros).

Among the priorities there is the provision of leave benefits for judges and the development of training programs and opportunities for judges, as well as the involvement of a psychologist in the process of selecting candidates for the position of a judge.

Accordingly to the Law on Budget and Financial Management, before submitting the annual draft state budget to the Saeima (parliament), the Cabinet of Ministers hears the opinion of the Judicial Council on draft budgets of judicial institutions, ensuring that this opinion is included in the minutes of the Cabinet meeting.

The Judicial Council adopted decisions on 11 October in a written procedure.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211