17 February, 2021

Faster and more efficient exchange of information in criminal proceedings, administrative violation proceedings, administrative proceedings in courts and civil proceedings has been set as the goal of the electronic (e-case) programme, and it is aimed at electronicization of these proceedings. In 2021, the introduction of the e-case in the administrative proceedings and criminal proceedings is planned.

Having heard the concerns of court representatives about the ill-considered development and implementation of the e-case, getting acquainted with the presentation of the Ministry of Justice on the progress of the project, the Judicial Council calls on the Saeima (the parliament) to postpone the implementation of the e-case. The Judicial Council is of the opinion that ill-considered progress of the e-case without assessment of possible risks and without necessary technological and financial support can significantly complicate the work of courts.

The Judicial Council indicates in the decision that before implementing the e-case, the recommendations contained in the audit report of the State Audit Office on the management of the e-case program must be implemented.

All the institutions involved must provide all the necessary technical solutions and develop a fully functioning software. The e-case should only be implemented once this support has been fully tested in test mode. In software development and testing, specialists must cooperate with the end users of the system – courts.

The Judicial Council calls on the Saeima to discuss and agree with the Judicial Council a new deadline for the implementation of the e-case.

The decision was taken by the Judicial Council in a written procedure on February 16.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211