21 October, 2022

On October 21, the Judicial Council approved the training program for judges and court employees for 2023.

The training program was developed taking into account the training needs of judges, court employees and prosecutors, as well as the recommendations of the Latvian Judicial Training Centre. In 2023, training is planned for judges and court employees in the field of civil law and civil procedure, criminal law and criminal procedure, administrative law and administrative procedure, as well as regarding topicalities of the proceedings in the Constitutional Court. Training for new judges and e-learning in witness examination will also be organized. The training program was developed by the Latvian Judicial Training Centre in coordination with the Court Administration.

The Judicial Council also supported the proposal of the Latvian Association of Judges to award Andris Guļāns, the former Chief Justice and the Senator of the Supreme Court, the title of Honorary Judge for his contribution to the creation of the Latvian judicial system, its development and decent work as a judge.

The Judicial Council agreed with the opinion of the Constitutional Court in the case No 2022-19-01 on the compliance of Article 16, Clause 3 of the Advocacy Law with Article 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, stating that there are grounds for the exclusion from the bar of those persons who had committed an intentional criminal offense, but against whom the criminal case has been terminated based on non-rehabilitative grounds.

Additional information:

  • Under the Law on Judicial Power one of the functions of the Judicial Council is to approve the content of training programs for judges and court employees.

  • The Judicial Council may grant the title of Honorary Judge to a judge who has worked in good faith and has ceased judicial functions.

Lana Mauliņa

Adviser to the Judicial Council on communication matters
Lana.Maulina [at] at.gov.lv