25 March, 2022

On the issues discussed at the meeting of the Judicial Council of March 25

Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Council. Taking into account the changes in the regulatory framework, as well as the changes in the forms of work organization in recent years, the Judicial Council has updated its Rules of Procedure, approving the new wording thereof. The Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Council determine the operation of the Council - the work organization of the Council, the organization and conduct of meetings of the Council, the decision-making procedure of the Council both at its meeting and in the written procedure.

Selection of candidates for the position of a judge. The Judicial Council heard information given by Dzintra Balta, Chair of the Selection Commission of Judicial Candidates, on current issues of the selection of candidates for the position of a judge, as well as on the conclusions of the Commission after the first year of operation of the new selection procedure. The Chair of the Commission outlined the main areas which the Judicial Council should focus on for improving the selection of judges: the rules governing the announcement of vacancies, the assessment of necessity of vacancies, the training of candidates and new judges, and mechanisms for attracting the best candidates for competitions.

Whereas, representatives of the Court Administration informed of how the workload of judges and the need to fill a vacancy are being assessed.

Tasks of the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council has confirmed the work plan for 2022, which was prepared by the Secretariat of the Judicial Council in accordance with this year’s priorities set by the Judicial Council.



Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 286522