30 October, 2018

On November 29, the Council for the Judiciary will convene Judges’ Electronic Conference to elect a member of the Judicial Ethics Commission from among the nominated district (city) court judges.

A member of the Judicial Ethics Commission has to be re-elected as Guntars Plorins, the judge of the Administrative District Court, who was a member of the Judicial Ethics Commission, was elected to the Council for the Judiciary. The Law "On Judicial Power" stipulates that the position of a member of the Council of the Judiciary is incompatible with the work in other judicial self-government institution.

The Council for the Judiciary approved the plan for organizing and conducting Judges’ Electronic Conference for the election of a member of the Judicial Ethics Commission. According to this plan, candidates must be nominated electronically by November 13th. Questions to candidates can be submitted electronically. The final round – voting for candidates – will be held electronically on November 29.

Inguna Preisa, the chair of Zemgale Regional Court, has been assigned as a moderator of the Conference by the Council for the Judiciary, and Jolanta Livena, judge of Land Registry Office of Riga District Court, – as a secretary.

The Votes Counting Commission is composed of: Mara Balode, deputy chair of the Land Registry Office of Riga District Court, Doloresa Bambere, deputy chair of the Land Registry Office of Riga City Vidzeme District Court, and Inara Jaunzeme, judge of the Land Registry Office of Riga City Vidzeme District Court.

According to the Section 931, Paragraph two of the Law "On Judicial Power", the Judges’ Conference shall elect two members to the Judicial Ethics Commission from among the candidates nominated by the land registry offices, three members from among the nominated district (city) courts judges, three – from among the regional courts judges and two – from among the judges of the Supreme Court.

The members of the Judicial Ethics Commission, by secret ballot, shall be elected for a term of four years.


Information prepared by
Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court
E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 2865221