19 January, 2017

Pursuant to decision of 28 November 2016, the Council for the Judiciary affirmed the reorganization plan of Riga City Zemgale District Court and Riga City Kurzeme District Court which provides for merging of Zemgale District Court with Kurzeme District Court. The reorganized court will be called the Riga City Pardaugava Court, from 1 February.

According to the procedure approved by the Council for the Judiciary for transfer of judges, the judges of Riga City Zemgale District Court were informed in writing about the vacant positions and were requested to inform the Minister about their consent or refusal to be transferred to the relevant vacancy.

All judges agreed on the transfer.

Consequently, the Council for the Judiciary adopted a decision on transfer of judges of Riga City Zemgale District Court Solvita Cirule, Erlens Ernstons, Aiga Freimane, Anita Gravite, Sandra Groza, Elina Leitane, Lana Leja, Santa Sondare, Elita Stelte-Auziņa, Daina Treija, Ilze Vanaga, Ludmila Vazdike, Ilona Zelmene, and Dzintra Zemitane to Riga City Pardaugava Court.

The Council for the Judiciary reviewed an issue in the sitting of 17 January 2017. 


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: +371 67020396, +371 28652211