25 November, 2014

The Council for the Judiciary asks the Saeima (Parliament) to change division of number of judges in district (city) courts, which is necessary due to amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which implement changes in list of courts included in catchment area of Riga regional court, namely, annexing Riga city Centre district court and Sigulda court to another courts as from 1 March 2015. 

The Council for the Judiciary accepted a proposal of the Ministry of Justice to annex five offices of the Siglda court, which shall be liquidated, to Riga district court, and to distribute ten offices of judges of Riga city Centre district court – to annex two judge’s offices to Riga city Latgale suburb court, one office – to Riga city Ziemelu district court, and seven offices – to Riga city Vidzeme suburb court.

Additional office of a judge in its turn will be granted to Dobele district court upon proposal of Dobele district court and Zemgale regional court, transferring it from the Land Registry office of Dobele district court to Dobele district court.  Redistribution is performed to equalize judges’ load in Dobele district court and its Land Registry office and to decrease accumulation of cases in the district court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211