5 November, 2015

On Thursday, 5 November, Peteris Dzalbe, the Chair of the Department of Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court, and Valerijs Maksimovs, the judge of the department of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court, were elected to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee in electronic elections, but Inguna Helmane, the judge of the Land Registry Office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court, was elected to the Council for the Judiciary as the representative from among judges of Land Registry Offices.  

Elections of a member of the Judicial Qualification Committee, in turn, ended with no result, as none from among three nominated candidates received majority of votes of judges participating in e-conference. Therefore, the second round of elections is announced to be held tomorrow, on 6 November. In the second round, judges will vote for two candidates, who received the majority of votes in the first round.

245 from among 558 Latvian judges participated in electronic conference.

One representative from among judges of Land Registry Office had to be elected to the Council for the Judiciary, because the former representative, Inara Jaunzeme, was transferred to the office of a judge of a district court. 

It was necessary to elect two representatives, namely, the judge and the Chair of the department of the Supreme Court, who will also be the Chair of the Committee, to the Judicial Disciplinary Committee. The judge of the Supreme Court had to be re-elected, because Raimonds Gravelsins, having reached maximum age stipulated by the law, terminated execution of judicial duties.  One of Chairs of departments of the Supreme Court, in turn, had to be re-elected to the office of the Chair of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee instead of the former deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Along with changes in structure of the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice does not have deputies any more and this office is replaced by the Chair of the department of the Supreme Court in the Judicial Disciplinary Liability Law.

Representative of judicial panels of civil cases must be elected to the Judicial Qualification Committee, because Anna Biksiniece, the judge of Latgale regional court, retired.

Members of institutions of judicial self-government are elected for four years.



Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211