The fact that at the Judges’ Conference, which was held on 5 September, all six members of the Council for the Judiciary, who represent regional courts, district (city) courts and Land Registry offices, were re-elected to the following quadrennial term of office, purports of the appreciated assessment of activity of the first Council for the Judiciary.

Andris Strauts, the Chair of Latgale regional court, Sandra Strence, the judge of Riga regional court, Ilze Freimane, the Chair of the Administrative district court, Adrija Kasakovska, the Chair of Tukums district court, Aigars Sniedzitis, the judge of Bauska district court and Inara Jaunzeme, the judge of the Land Registry office of Jurmala court will continue their work within composition of the Council for the Judiciary.

The seventh elected member of the Council for the Judiciary – the judge of the Supreme Court – shall be elected by the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court on 15 September.

In total, 11 candidates nominated by courts’ bodies, court panels, departments and Association of Judges were proposed to six offices of members of the Council for the Judiciary re-elected by the Judges’ Conference. Before voting, candidates provided their visions on further development and the most important tasks of the Council for the Judiciary.

As Ivars Bickovics, the Chairman of the Council for the Judiciary, pointed out – candidates’ visions gave valuable ideas and proposals for further activity of the Council for the Judiciary. The Chairman urged those, who would be elected, to express their position as precisely, actively and strongly also in sittings of the Councils for the Judiciary and elsewhere, when representing opinion of the Council for the Judiciary.  

The Council for the Judiciary, which is a collegial institution involved in the elaboration of the policy and strategy for the judicial system, as well as improving of the organisation of the workof the court system, was established in 2010. It consists of 15 members – eight officials representing the judiciary, the executive power and the legislative power and seven elected judges. The term of office of the elected member of the Council for the Judiciary is four years, and the member may not be re-elected for more than two terms in turn.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

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