19 January, 2016

Due to reorganisation of district (city) courts included in Latgale court region, which envisages establishing of two district courts in Latgale court region as from 1 January 2016, the Council for the Judiciary decided on transfer of judges of courts to be annexed.

Judges of Balvi district court Arvis Garais, Simona Gmireka, Julija Kamiseva and Eduards Veiss have been transferred to Rezekne court and judges of Ludza district court Juris Andersons, Inta Marnauza and Gunars Strucinskis have also been transferred to Rezekne court.  

Judges of Kraslava district court Girts Aizsils, Gunta Kusina, Inara Galeja and judges of Preili district court Irina Beitane, Rita Kreslina, Anita Stikane and Inga Stivrina, in their turn, have been transferred to Daugavpils court. 

Judges of Land Registry offices have also been transferred - Vija Puzule, the judge of the Land Registry office of Balvi district court, and Elina Volika, the judge of the Land Registry office of Ludza district court, have been transferred to the Land Registry office of Rezekne court, and Lidija Micule and Edgars Mukans, judges of the Land Registry office of Preili district court – to the Land Registry office of Daugavpils court.

In accordance with the procedure approved by the Council for the Judiciary regarding how the proposal on transfer of a judge to work to another court is prepared by the Minister of Justice  and reviewed at the sitting of the Council for the Judiciary, judges of district courts included in Latgale court region were informed about vacancies of judicial offices, and they were asked to inform the Minister about their consent or refusal to get transferred to work to respective vacancy in writing. All judges agreed to their transfer.  

The judge of the Land Registry office has been transferred from Riga district court to Riga city Vidzeme suburb court

Due to the transfer of an office of a judge from the Land Registry office of Riga district court to the Land Registry office of Riga city Vidzeme suburb court, the Council for the Judiciary decided on transfer of a judge Mairita Zadina from the Land Registry office of Riga district court to Riga city Vidzeme suburb court.  

Decisions about transfer of judges were adopted by the Council for the Judiciary in written procedure on 14 January.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211