11 February, 2011

The Judicial Conference is postponed to autumn

Latvian Judicial Conference, which had to be convoked in April, is postponed to autumn. The Board of Justice has adopted such decision due labour-saving considerations, so that it wouldn’t be necessary to organise one more conference, when the Saeima would make amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, in relation to which it will be necessary to convoke judicial conference.

Amendments to the law “On Judicial Power”, which at present are adopted in the 2nd reading, provide to create new system of selection and assessment of professional activity of judges and to create the Judicial Qualifications Committee, according to new functions. The Council of Justice decided that it would be more rational to convoke judicial conference, when it will be necessary to decide on these and other topical issues.

The Board of Justice also approved bylaws of the Judicial Conference. The Conference is the institution of judicial self-government, and judges of the Supreme Court, judges of regional courts, judges of district (city) courts and judges of departments of land books participate in its work with the right to vote. Bylaws approved by the Council of Justice establish organisational processing of the conference, course of the conference and procedure of adoption of decisions.

The Board of Justice convokes the Judicial Conference not less than once a year. The Council of Justice also determines issues to be reviewed and reporters of the conference.  

Six judicial offices given to regional courts and district courts are divided

Number of judges is increased per one in Riga regional court, in Riga city Vidzeme Suburb court and Kurzeme district court, and per two judges – in Riga city Latgale Suburb court.   

The Board of Justice determined number of judges in each regional court, district (city) court and in department of Land books and decided upon distribution of six additional judicial offices divided by the decision of the Saeima from departments of Land books to regional courts and district (city) courts. Distribution was implemented according to proposal of the Council of Justice, having assessed load of judges of courts of general jurisdiction and judges of departments of land books.

Additional offices were distributed according to the proposal of the Ministry of Justice. Inese Kalnina, the representative of the Ministry of Justice, informed that requests of chairs of the courts upon necessity for additional judicial offices to provide well timed review of cases were taken into account. In total, there will be 57 judicial offices in Riga regional court, 24 offices in Riga city Latgale Suburb court, 19 offices in Vidzeme Suburb court, 13 offices in Kurzeme district court, and 14 offices – in Riga district court.

In total, 315 judicial offices are approved for district (city) courts, 134 offices – for regional courts and 80 offices – for departments of land books.

Biksiniece and Dimpers are supported in posts of deputies of the Chair of Latgale regional court  

The Board of Justice supported appointment of Anna Biksiniece and Janis Dimpers, judges of Latgale regional court, in posts of deputies of the Chair of Latgale regional court, simultaneously appointing Ms. Biksiniece in the post of the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Civil Cases, and Mr. Dimpers - in the post of the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Criminal Cases.    

Anna Biksiniece has been the deputy of the Chair of Latgale regional court and the Chair of the Judicial Panel of Civil Cases since 1995, but Janis Dimpers has been the judge of Latgale regional court since 1998.  

Pursuant to the law “On Judicial Power”, the deputy of the Chair of regional court is appointed in the post for the term of five years by the Minister of Justice, having coordinated this issue with the Council of Justice.

Dzintra Amerika is appointed for the post of a judge in Administrative regional court

By decision of the Council of Justice Dzintra Amerika, the judge of Administrative district court is appointed in the post of a judge of Administrative regional court. She had replaced judge of Administrative regional court absent since February, 2010.    

The Saeima approved Dz.Amerika in the post of the judge of regional court on the 27th of January. Pursuant to the law “On Judicial Power” concrete regional court, where the judge will execute his/her duties, is determined by the Council of Justice.   

Proposal is made to award the ex-judge of the Supreme Court Aiva Zarina with the title of the Honoured Judge

The Board of Justice will submit a proposal to the Saeima to award Aiva Zarina, the ex-judge of the Supreme Court, with the title of the Honoured Judge.

The Board of Justice adopted such decision pursuant to proposal of Gunars Aigars, the Chair of the Chamber of Civil Cases of the Supreme Court.

Aiva Zarina has worked as a judge since 1965, and she has worked as the judge of the Supreme Court since 1995 until having reached maximum age of execution of judicial duties in February, 2011.  She had executed judicial duties in good faith and professionally, being a member of the Judicial Disciplinary Committee for long years. Ms. Zarina was awarded with the Order of Three Stars, Mark of Distinction of the System of Justice and other awards.

Section 66 of the law “On Judicial Power” states that pursuant to the recommendation of the Council of Justice, the Saeima may grant the title of Honoured Judge to a judge who has worked with integrity and has retired from the work of a judge. It is an honorary title, but the law provides that the Honoured Judge of the Supreme Court may replace judge of the Senate or of the Chamber of the Supreme Court in case of vacancy or temporary absence.

Title of the Honoured Judge hadn’t been given to any judge of the Supreme Court before. There are three Honoured Judges in regional courts – the ex-Chair of Latgale regional court Karlis Valdemiers, the ex-judge of Riga regional court Mara Marija Cerkasova and the ex-judge of Kurzeme regional court Roberts Lazdans.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211