1 October, 2012

Topical issues on human rights in court work and evaluation of professional operation of judges will be discussed in judicial conference

One of main subjects in annual Latvian Judicial Conference that will take place on the 2nd of November will be dedicated to court work according to European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms – the agenda of the conference approved by the Board of Justice today states.

Kristine Lice, representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in international institutions of human rights, is invited to report on topical issues about cases of Latvia in the European Court of Human Rights, and Juris Jansons, the ombudsman, will give his evaluation about observing of the European Convention on Human Rights in court work. The conference is organised in cooperation with the University of Latvia, so lecturers of the Faculty of Law will read reports there. The Supreme Court will present research about case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in rulings of the Supreme Court.

Part of the conference will be dedicated to reports of institutions of judicial self-government - the Judicial Disciplinary Committee, the Committee on Judicial Ethics and Judicial Qualifications Committee and also to presentation of information about new system of evaluation of professional operation of judges that will come into force as from the 1st of January, 2013.

Work in sections formed by branches of law is planned at the end of the conference and senators of the Supreme Court and lecturers of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia will answer to questions topical for judges.

Redivision of places of judges from Kuldiga to Liepaja is accepted

To equalise load of district courts located in the territory of Kurzeme regional court, the Board of Justice accepted proposal of the Ministry of Justice to transfer vacant post of a judge from Kuldiga district court to Liepaja city court.

Thus, there will be 16 posts of judges in Liepaja city court and 4 posts – in Kuldiga district court.

New judge will work in Riga court house of Administrative district court

The Board of Justice instructed Arlita Zarina appointed for the post of a judge of district (city) court by decision of the Saeima of the 6th of June, to execute judicial duties in Riga court house of Administrative district court.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211