29 April, 2014

Chairs of courts

The Board of Justice supports appointment of Svetlana Belajeva, the previous Chair of Jurmala city court to the office of the Chair of Jurmala city court for next five years as well.  Two judges had applied for competition to the office of the Chair of Jurmala city court.

Two candidates had also applied for competition to the office of the Chair of Ogre district court, and Arnis Naglis, the candidate recommended from those, who had applied, by the candidates’ evaluation committee and nominated by the Minister of Justice, had not received majority of votes of the Board of Justice necessary for support.   

The judge Dzintra Balta was appointed to the office of the deputy Chair of Riga regional court from among three candidates, and the Board of Justice also supported her candidacy.  

Appointment and transfer of judges

Six candidates had applied to two positions of a judge of Riga regional court, and three of them had received positive statement of the Judicial Qualification Committee and had been advanced for assessment by the Board of Justice.

With majority of vote the Board of Justice gave its accept for transfer of Iveta Stuberovska, the judge of Riga city Centre district court, and Agnese Veita, the judge of Riga city Zemgale suburb court, in the office of a judge of regional court and instructed them, after confirmation by the Saeima (Parliament) in the office of a judge of a regional court, to discharge judicial duties in Riga regional court. Both candidates discharge duties of a judge of Riga regional court at present.  

The Board of Justice agreed to transfer of a judge Sanita Rutena-Laizane from Riga city Kurzeme district court to Rezekne court by her own will.

Agnese Zemmere, appointed to the office of a judge of a district court by the Saeima on 27 March 2014, was instructed to discharge duties in Riga city Latgale suburb court.  

The issue was reviewed in the sitting of the Board of Justice on April, 28