28 August, 2012

 Request for court budget for year 2013 is supported

The Board of Justice supported budget request of regional courts and district (city) courts summarised by the Ministry of Justice and budget request presented by the Supreme Court for year 2013.

Budget request of regional courts and district (city) courts for 2013 is for 8% or LVL 2 256 099 more than budget planned for year 2012. Increase of budget is planned for two positions: expenses related to moving of Riga court house of Administrative district court and of court of Ziemelu district of Riga city to new premises, as well as to increase salary of court employees for LVL 40 and to insure court employees.

Increase of budget request of the Supreme Court for year 2013 is also planned in two positions: financing interrupted in 2008 for research of case-law is renewed, and LVL 10 000 are allocated for this purpose in 2013; moreover, means of LVL 25 986 is allocated to provide operation of the Board of Justice and EUR 4000 – to pay participation fee in organisation of the European Network of Boards of Justice.

Increase of number of judges and court employees in district (city) courts in territory of Riga regional court is proposed  

The Board of Justice proposed to increase number of judges in district (city) courts located in territory of operation of Riga regional court for five vacancies, as well as supported proposal of the Ministry of Justice to increase number of court employees accordingly.  

Work load of district (city) courts of general jurisdiction located in territory of operation of Riga regional court exceeds work load of other judges working in territory of operation of other regional courts. In 2011, number of cases received for one vocational post of a judge in district (city) courts of general jurisdiction located in territory of operation of Riga regional court was as following: in Ogre district court - 633, in Riga district court - 512, in Sigulda court - 497, in Riga city Zemgale Suburb court - 464, in Latgale Suburb court - 448, in Kurzeme district court - 414, in Vidzeme Suburb court - 400, in Ziemelu district court - 362, in Central district court - 355, in Jurmala city court - 332 cases. In 2012, number of cases in district (city) courts is even bigger, taking into account amendments to procedural laws implemented.

Plan, managers and counting committee of electronic Judicial conference are approved

To re-elect the Judicial Qualifications Committee in its new composition, electronic Judicial conference will take place on the 21st of September. The Board of Justice approved plan of organisation and run of the conference, as well as chose manager and secretary of the conference and counting committee.

According to plan approved, between the 13th and the 17th of September judges will nominate candidates for the Judicial Qualifications Committee in electronic way, and they will be able to ask candidates questions on September 18-19. On the 20th of September, individual codes and passwords will be sent to courts and departments of landbooks, and judges will draw them in lots. On the 21st of September electronic voting and summarisation and approval of results will take place.

The Board of Justice approved Sanita Rutena Laizane, the judge of Riga city Kurzeme district court, for the post of manager of electronic conference; however, Ilze Ievina, the deputy head of the Department of landbooks of Riga city Vidzeme Suburb court, was elected for the post of secretary of the conference. Indulis Konosenoks, Gunars Silins and Zanna Zujeva were approved in composition of counting committee.

Proposal about dismissal of the judge Z.Strazds due to his state of health is not advanced

While reviewing application of Ziedonis Strazds, the Chair of Riga city Zemgale Suburb court to dismiss him from the post of the judge due to his state of health, the Board of Justice decided not to advance such proposal to the Saeima (the Parliament).

The Board of Justice admitted that information provided by attending physician about present state of health of the judge is not sufficient to dismiss him from his post due to his state of health. Statement given by the State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability about inability to continue working as a judge due to the state of health is necessary.

Re-election of chairpersons of courts in their posts is supported

The Board of Justice supported re-election of the judge Iveta Krevica in the post of the Chair of Riga city Vidzeme Suburb court and re-election of the judge Anita Simsone in the post of the Chair of Kuldiga district court for the term of five years.  

Special committee had previously evaluated application and concept of court development submitted by each candidate, references given about each candidate, results of polls performed among judges and court employees, as well as results of interview, admitting that candidacies of Iveta Krevica and Anita Simsone are qualified to be promoted to the post of chairpersons of courts repeatedly.


Information prepared by

Rasma Zvejniece, the Head of the Division of Communication of the Supreme Court

E-mail: rasma.zvejniece@at.gov.lv, telephone: 67020396, 28652211